USB is paralyzing Kinect’s movement. Will Kinect2 be the antidote?

Microsoft’s Kinect is considered to be one of the most

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accurate motion capture devices around. And with Microsoft praising the Kinect hacks that have been floating around the internet, the Kinect’s power is growing everyday. However, the Kinect is being held back by it’s controller interface, the USB. The USB interface is limiting the amount of information that Kinect can stream into the Xbox. The 35 Megabytes support of data is not even delivering half of that, paralyzing the Kinect’s huge potential.

But not for long.. Microsoft is dropping the USB interface and cabling it straight to the hardware, so no more transit stops, just super fast transfer straight to the CPU or RAM. The next generation; Kinect or Kinect2, seems it will witness major performance enhancements like better motion sensor accuracy, better voice-recognition. This means that the device should create gameplay that is able to read the player’s emotions and tone, a great benefit for detective games such as L.A Noire.

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