Meet Zoolz 2.0 ; transfer your data to Amazon Glacier with Zoolz

Humans err; that is a well-known fact that no one can deny, and those errors are the top reasons for data loss. The other major cause for data damage is the deficiency of storage conditions. If you study the different methods available for storing your data, you’ll surly come to…

GBM 9.0 just released!

Looking for a sleek and elegant backup? Well, look no further; Genie Backup Manager has just been released with a whole new look and features that will delight and excite everyone. Some of these features include: Amazon S3 Backup support. Added Windows 8 support. Enhanced FTP engine. Secure FTP (FTPS)…


Introducing Timeline Cloud! Real Cloud Backup Solution for Your Business and Family

Genie9 proudly introduces our latest in backup technology Timeline Cloud. Timeline Cloud is a real cloud backup and disaster recovery solution that combines powerful state of the art technology with the world’s most trusted and reliable service provider, Amazon S3. Designed to have the option to be deployed to anywhere…