The return of the… Start button! Windows 8.1

The first Windows 8.1 ad has been released by Microsoft onto its YouTube channel. The company highlights in it the return of the Start button, enhanced customizability of the Start Screen, as well as the side by side Snap view that now allows you to run more than two apps at once.

The ad is only 30 seconds long, thus indicating that it is meant to air on TV. So here it is, have a look for yourself:

You can notice that in the ad itself there never is an actual mention for the Windows 8.1. Actually it does not even bring about Windows 8 all together; the logo at the end just states Windows ~ as a continuation of Microsoft’s Windows Everywhere campaign ~ .

It is also not directly stated by Microsoft that the Start button has returned; the voice over simply states “hit the Start button to flip back and forth”. The move in this direction makes perfect sense since the loss of the button was considered a big issue amongst the tech circles; the majority of Windows users are not on Windows 8, and when they finally try it out, chances are that they will go for the Windows 8.1 edition.
Windows 7 Home Basic SP1 Key

It is the first feature listed in the video’s description and the company does not seem to mind to bluntly state “return”:

“Windows 8 customers can update to Windows 8.1 for free in the Windows Store, starting October 18th, 2013. With the return of the Start button, new ways to personalize your Start screen, and more ways to do more things at once, the new Windows gives you one experience for everything in your life.”

Microsoft alongside its partners are looking for Windows 8.1 as not the only improvement for the whole Windows 8 experience, yet as a way of persuading others into purchasing a new desktop, laptop or tablet.