Saving our planet and your pocket!


It’s that time of year again when we are reminded of our environmental consciousness. Not there ought to be a special day to remind us, but after the 1969 incident turns out we do. What happened then was an outrageous oil spill in Santa Barbara that dumped 100,000 barrels of crude into the Santa Barbara Channel off to California. This urged Wisconsin senator Gaylord Nelson in 1970 to dedicate an official day for our Earth as a constant reminder to make better choices on a day to day basis for us and our future generations to come.

You don’t have to take extreme measures to go green, so here are 10 inexpensive ways to go green. You can try to implement one each week or even each year.Not only would you reduce your carbon footprint by a massive amount, but you could probably inspire others to do the same.

1. Your computer may go to sleep, but it’s still sucking up energy. Turn your computer off at the end of the day. In addition, take steps to create aneco-friendly workplace.

2. Look into carpooling. Need convincing? Read why your green commute will save you money.

3. Cancel your newspaper subscription and read the news online instead. (We’ll bet you’re already doing this one!).

4. File your taxes electronically to cut back on paper usage. Look into having your tax forms emailed to you instead of mailed as well.

5. Get e-tickets for the movies through apps like Fandango or get e-tickets and boarding passes when traveling.

6. Put a cover on your pool when you’re not using it. Not only will it keep the water cleaner, but it will keep it from evaporating, saving you refills.

7. Repair your leaky faucet (especially if you live in a drought-prone area).

8. Schedule your errands back-to-back to consolidate your trip and save gas or ride your bike or walk when possible.

9. Buy rechargeable batteries. Learn to dispose ofold batteries properly.

10. Don’t heat an empty house! During the winter, turn down your thermostat to 68 degrees F when you’re home and 55 degrees F at night and while you’re away.

We leave you off with these wise words by Gaylord Nelson

“Our goal is not just an environment of clean air and water and scenic beauty. The objective is an environment of decency, quality and mutual respect for all other human beings and all other living creatures.”