iPhone 4s… Do I want it?

Yes… The iPhone 4s has become somewhat of an iconic phone in the smartphone world. One might argue that some of the competing Android phones simply look better than the iPhone on paper. However, specs are not everything. The iPhone’s usability and easy to use operating system, iOS5 ,just makes…

How iCloud Made Using iTunes to Sync Music Much Easier

If you haven’t upgrade to iOS5 yet, you are missing out on a great feature;iCloud. The greatest benefit to iCloud is in the easy way your purchased music is synced to your idevices. iTunes being a bothersome step in getting your music to your idevices in the past, now is…

Can I use Siri on My iPhone 4?

Were you disappointed that you can’t have Siri on your iPhone 4? Then we have some good news as it seems a hacker has been able to port Siri to the iPhone 4. Although in the video it seems a bit choppy and crashed once, it’s still a big win…